Thursday 10 January 2013

The Questions & Key Terms

1. How have online media developed

2. What has been the impact of the internet on media production

3. How is consumer behaviour and audience response transformed by online media, in relation to the past

4. To what extent has convergence transformed the media

Key Terms

The Long Tail-

Tim Berners Lee-  The creator of the world wide web (WWW)

Web 2.0- A second generation of the WWW, focused on the ability to help people collaborate and share information online.

File Sharing- This is the public or private sharing of files online, can be legal and illegal

Distribution -

Remixing (On YouTube)- Such as CassetteBoy on YouTube, who cuts clips and puts them back together to create something different

Film Piracy - Film piracy is the sharing of films illegally online or physically, usually films that are currently out in the cinema.

Digital Technology and Change-

Social Networking- A dedicated website or application which enables users to communicate by sharing information,photos and messages.

Second Life- Second Life is a virtual world where people can create avatars and live in this virtual world, creating a new life.

Convergence- The combining of different forms of technology.

Convergence Culture- Bringing together all the types of convergence, such as global etc.

Music Downloads- This is digitally downloading music, which could be tracks or albums.

Memes- A concept which spreads from person to person across the web, this could be images, phrases or videos.

Identity Online-Information on the internet about an individual

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